
Kelli Shay Hicks / - Buck Again

City Newspaper

Kelli Hicks is well versed in the timeless. While her minimalist finger picking style, gentle voice, and wry lyrics recall the 'New Americana' movement, she's not pretending. When you see her play, it becomes clear: This is Kelli Hicks' music. Nothing

Other Reviews of Buck Again

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by Sal Addays

Buck Again

Well, it's not every three-song solo acoustic EP that comes in a package wi

FOUND Magazine

by Davey Rothbart

Buck Again

Kelli Shay Hicks has a voice to break your heart. Her music is haunting and

Foxy Digitalis

by Scott Downing

Buck Again

"Bucked Again" is the first full-length from Kelli Shay Hicks, following la

Other Reviews by City Newspaper

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by Luke Strosnider

[ART PIECE] Joe Tunis' (aka Joe+N) sculpture provides a palate-cleansing me

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by Luke Strosnider

The drawings of Andy Gilmore feature intricate images of both human and ani

City Newspaper

by Chad Oliveiri

Buck Again

Kelli Hicks is well versed in the timeless. While her minimalist finger pic

City Newspaper

by Jen Graney

Tumul : If you come to this show for the costumes alone, you will not be di

City Newspaper

by City Weekly

the soft, soft shakes

Setting out to make a "more pop-sounding" album this time around, Autumn In

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by Alex Miokovic and Heidi Nickisher


Joe Tunis' (joe+n) Uprooted is a zen-like "performance" of bamboo reeds in

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by Dave Cross

a nervous splendor

A Nervous Splendor opens with a prayer bell; a call to the heavens that wil

City Newspaper

by Saby Reyes-Kulkarni

Cover story excerpt Rochester City Weekly (OCTOBER 26, 2005)A brisk wind bl

City Newspaper

by Chad Oliveiri

just might be the best we have to offer, plaintive vocals + delicate guitar

City Newspaper

by Saby Reyes-Kulkarni

estate sale

With the familiar, downtempo strum-strum-strum that opens Estate Sale, it a